Michael Mohoric is an animal healer who discovered he was blessed with a gift for distant animal healing after recovering from a serious spinal cord injury. He does distant pet healing all over the world for dogs, cats, horses and other pets.

He works with the pet and owner together for powerful animal healing because of the strong energetic connection between them. Animals are very sensitive and pick up on the emotions and stress of their owner and this can affect the health of the pet. Helping to clear up the energetic blockages of the owner can greatly help the health of the pet.


Watch this short animal healing video of Michael doing a healing session with severely handicapped dogs.


Testimonials about Animal Energy Healing and Pet Healing with Qigong Energy Healing

Hi Michael,  “Thank you so much. I and my family of animals are all happy, healthy, and blessed. One of my dogs, (Sherpa) had a 4 pound tumor in his spleen that had been bleeding. Most of these masses are malignant and even with removal, the dogs only have about two months to live.  Also, my vet told me that when they bleed, the dogs often die from the internal hemorrhage.

Not only did Sherpa survive several bleeding episodes before we knew what he had, but the tumor they removed was benign. Both quite rare. He looks like a new dog. This ten year old dog who looked like he was going down hill fast, now runs around enthusiastically with his tale wagging, romping and playing with his younger dog friend, with as much energy as he had five years ago. I attribute this good fortune to your energy sessions.” Thank you, Mary

“Dear Michael, Just want to update you on what has occurred. I had included Max, my dog, in the healing sessions. He had been diagnosed about 2 weeks ago with a mast cell tumor. He also had a cyst on his body which was determined not to be cancerous.

I took him to the specialist today who was going to do the surgery on the mast cell tumor and he couldn’t find it. It has disappeared along with the cyst. The doctor was very confused and was trying to come up with reasons. But, I know why it’s gone. Thank you so much for everything you do. I’m planning on signing up for the next session.”

— Blessings and Peace ~ Renee

“My cat Kali, 13 years, has for most of her life had digestive difficulties but now the vet says she has no problem, kidney or intestine.  For her I thank you.”  Beth

“Michael,  All of the cats seem to be doing well. In fact Freddy who had a broken hip last month has completely healed! The vet was amazed. Said he didn’t believe he had ever seen such quick healing. He does, however, have a calcium spur. But he barely limps at all and is busy climbing trees and racing around with his siblings.”    Phyllis

Aloha Michael, The changes I feel are subtle, yet powerful.  There is much more peace and harmony in my home.  Smarty (the dog)  is improving, his testicular cancer is actually shrinking.  he is also losing some weight and is much more energetic.”
— Mahalo,  Janet
Thank You Michael, I think the month did us both very good. My rescue dog Piitu has shown much more self confidence and vigour. Also a lump in her back seems to be gone.
— Rikka

“Dear Michael, Thank you for a powerful month of healing.Our dog Kingston had a walnut size bump the day we started healing. It is now the size of a grain of rice.”  Mary

This was posted on Facebook by Mary Komarnisky

It appears that my 15+ year old dog Cookie that got a miraculous healing this time;  being blind & mostly deaf and has been in severe grieving since early March 2014 due to the death of her own daughter of 11 years. They were a bonded pair of mother/daughter. Cookie suddenly came out of her stupor and grief mode suddenly and has begun to run, scamper & play with her new bonded companion pair of dogs. I am happily in shock over witnessing this transformation and am hoping that it continues to further improve her.”

“Michael, After the session my cat slept the entire day - she was immovable - this was abnormal for her - even the sound of her food didn’t wake her up. Since then she has been doing very well. I have had a cat sitter while home in for the holidays - they reported her to have no symptoms of falling or odd behaviors. She was in great spirits when we got home, very happy and energetic and no signs of falling. Ernie has remarkably never gotten sick even though he would normally pick up anything from people - we are both marveling in his resistance!”  LT San Diego

Cat Shelter Healing Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU-A3xdhYmg

“Dear Michael,  I am now on my 2nd. month of chi sessions and have had some very wonderful things happen in my life. The first session was before I was diagnosed with Dystonia. I was trying very hard to heal myself. I do not think I was allowing myself to truly feel the undercurrent of universal energy, I was waiting for something tangible.

My something tangible did happen, I had to go to the Mayo Clinic in MN for test, etc. Not to go into detail, but I made a decision to try a procedure I had not planned on doing. The muscle spasm in my neck was gone, but not until the first Wed. after the procedure did I begin to realize the intensity of healing energy.

I was feeling very tired, my sessions begin at 10:00pm, so I made myself comfortable and very quickly went into what I call a “zone” of meditation. The fatigue in my neck and back went away, a feeling of joy and hope and stillness came upon me, and I learned what it felt like to feel the sense of energy being magnified into every aspect of my being.

Sometime around 11:00pm I made it up the stairs, (I still do not know how), but everyday this feeling of formless energy surrounds my every waking moment, allowing the ability to experience a joyful life.

I also had my horses feeling the chi energy. We just got back from 2 weeks in TN where I was able to witness your powers. Sun God, my Grand Prix horse was wonderful - we have a new rider and he and the horses have bonded in such a way people stop me and ask what we are doing different. Sun God has been so confused, sore back, almost fragile and depressed.

Your energy began about the same time we switched riders - Pablo Barrios is a great rider, but the horses are responding to your energy in an amazing way. Sun God, Curiozo Z, and Aristocrat were the real winners at the show. Beautiful! Curiozo is 7 yrs. and did his first Grand Prix with only one rail, full of confidence, healthy and happy.

Aristocrat won reserve champion, when we got him back from the last rider he was a “throw away”. Not anymore. He went lame, we pulled his shoes and found the beginning of a boil, treated it, and he was back in the ring within 2 days with no sign of pain. I will not let any vet give my horses anything to mask pain. They will not go into the ring with pain or do we allow excessive medication.

Our babies are feeling this quiet, powerful energy all the time, if you were to put them in a field of 100 horses you could pick out my boys just by the aura that surrounds them.Thank you for making such a change in my life and that of my horses.”  With many blessings, Cheryl

The next several testimonials are from Sheri Clemons, founder of New Beginnings Equine Shelter in Virginia. She recently retired and closed New Beginnings.

Sherri Clemons, the founder of New Beginnings Horse Shelter in Virginia, takes in and shelters neglected horses. She wrote and told me that for the first time ever that she hasn't had to call a vet for the horses this last year. Some of the horses have been badly mistreated, neglected and malnourished so it is quite an accomplishment to keep them healthy. Sherri credits my energy sessions with the horses as a major factor in keeping them healthy.

“Dearest Michael, It is so wonderful to hear from you again. We are doing well here at the shelter. The animals have been very blessed this year, not one vet call! Believe me this is a first. I attribute part of this from your sessions, and part from blessings on a higher level.We thank you and spirit.”   Love, Sheri

Dearest Michael, “Thank you for your session with Beau. First, I’m going to give you some history of him. He has been very weak in his hind quarters, kind of like a wobbling of the rear end, it is a neurological problem. He has been treated twice for EPM, this is a fatal disease, caused by possum feces. Treatment is costly, $1400 a treatment.You have read his history, so, you know the trauma this horse has gone through. But...there is always hope.

I received your email today, thank you for all that you are contributing to the universe. When I came home this evening I noticed that Beau was more alert, and, when I fed this evening, he kicked up those paralyzed back legs, laid ears back at his roommate and took one whack....amazing! , now he is taking his place as a normal horse in the herd. Thank you. WE....are looking forward to your next healing......Love In The Spirit Of The Horses”  

Dearest Michael,  “I’m sorry, I haven’t gotten back with you sooner. but there has been a lot happening. Whew! What a ride!!! Personally, I slept for two days after your session. First and up most.....Beau has shown an amazing improvement on “One” of his back legs, the other is still very weak. I’m hoping that it is just the cycle of the energy healing? Hopi, the great Dane, too is showing improvement, he seems to be laying down with more comfort than before.

Jewel of the Crown, has become more aware of his surroundings....his eyesight will never come back, but his senses seem to be more acute. Which brings me to what after I experienced in your healing session, and that was, lights and sounds were more intense, if that makes any sense? Patches, is walking much better..... Amazing.  I am still watching these animals in their recovery, and will keep you informed of their progress. Thank you special man, for you truly, have made a difference in their life.Love In The Spirit Of The Horses, Sherie The other horses are calmer and content, then, what I have seen them. A true sign of healing.” Sherri

Dearest Michael, “I feel great today!!! Very energized, more so, than I can explain. I noticed today, that I actually saw things driving to work, I’ve never “noticed” before. It was kind of scary, right under my nose, but I never saw it. “Oh, when did they put that house up?” My senses are more acute, things are brighter, sounds louder, colors more vibrant, etc. Most important, before our session, I was really starting to have major problems with my hands. I don’t know if it was arthritis or what, but it was very concerning to me, for I need these hands to feed and to touch the horses.

The pain is now gone....I’m trying to spend a lot of time with Beau along with Hopi (the Great Dane) and Patches, for they are the ones I was very concerned about. They were the ones with major medical problems. Beau too is more energized, in fact, so is Hopi and Patches. All of them seem more alert and are in less (not pain, for I don’t think they were in what we call pain) but, able to move more fluid.

The other horses were very quiet the past couple of days, but now seem to be flowing into a daily routine. We brought a new horse in yesterday, a mare, and Hercules has fallen in love with her, seems his confidence definitely had improved after the abuse he has experienced. Each evening I will watch the animals and let you know their progress.” Love In The Spirit Of The Horses, Sherrie”


Michael, I have noticed that today our cat was walking much better and much more confident in jumping up to visit us. She is certainly more cuddly and attentive to us - responding to us when we call to her. She will look in our direction when we call, whereas before she would swing her head up randomly and just fall over. She didn’t have the extreme lethargy as she did the last time.
— Liza

Hey Michael, So sorry, I haven’t got back to you I have been away touring and had no internet access. Trigger is like a new horse, he is going really really well and very happy.  
— Danny Carr,  Australia