What Does a Qigong Healer Do? Your Guide to the Energetic Art
/Alternative energy-based healing practices are only getting more and more popular across the globe.
If you've been feeling a bit "off" lately or if you're merely curious about how your Qi (energy) impacts your sense of self and health, perhaps you've thought about going to a qigong energy healer.
Still, before you give it a shot, you'd like to learn more about the basics of qigong.
Whether you're interested in medical, martial, or spiritual qigong, you might be surprised by everything this ancient practice can do for you.
If so, then keep on reading this post to get answers to some of your questions surrounding this invaluable practice.
What Is Qigong?
Before we get into anything more specific, let's first quickly define qigong, in general.
“Qi” is the vital life force and “Gong” means effort. Qigong is the cultivation or gathering, and the utilization of the life force energy.
In general, this is a type of energy healing with roots in ancient Chinese medicine. The goal is for you to rebalance your chi/qi, to remove emotional, physical, and mental blockages, and to achieve an optimal state of health and well-being.
In addition to building energy in yourself, you can also learn how to project that energy out to others. A qigong healer is specially trained to do this.
Many people see the practice of qigong as a kind of life-giving energy source.
The goal of qigong is to help you learn how to achieve a greater and more consistent vitality, inner peace, and enhance your health and well-being, in general.
Many people don't realize that it's also a way to keep yourself in good physical shape. In some cases, especially with long-term practice, it may even help you to improve your life expectancy.
Now, let's find out a little bit about the different types of qigong.
Types of Qigong
In the past, Qigong was called dao yin (guiding the Qi) or nei gong (inner work).
Nei Gong consisted more of practices like meditation for inner alchemy, while dao yin used more movements to guide the energy to obtain good health and well-being.
Nowadays, Qigong practices often include movement and meditation to enhance vibrant health and well-being.
The Physical Side Of Qigong
Qigong can help you to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
You can learn different breathing techniques and physical movements designed to unlock your qi/chi. Once you learn the basics of these movements, you'll begin to practice them in a specific flow.
Qigong can be very slow and deliberate. You'll move from posture to posture, focusing on your breathing. The goal is to make the transition from one movement to the next as seamless as possible.
Many healers refer to the physical side of qigong as a kind of meditation through movement.
In addition to helping your body to get stronger, these movements will also help you to learn how to build and radiate more energy throughout the body.
The Mental Side Of Qigong
Once you've learned the physical movements of qigong, it's time to look at the internal and mental side of the practice.
This is designed to help you understand the connection between your breathing, your mind, and your body.
Usually, you'll be seated while practicing mental meditation (sometimes referred to as "still meditation.")
Especially if you're newer to the practice, your teacher may use guided meditation to help you to get in the zone. You'll use visualization techniques and imagery to ensure you're able to relax.
By combining both the physical and mental sides of qigong, you can see improvements with your immune system, your daily aches and pains, and your health in general.
Spiritual, Martial, and Medical Qigong
Sometimes, Qigong is differentiated into Spiritual, Mental, and Medical Qigong.
Though there can be differences in the type of training in these categories, usually when you are training in one form, it is also developing the other types too.
Over the years, many forms of Qigong have been developed and refined by various Qigong Masters.
Spiritual Qigong
The goal here is to help you reach an enlightened state through still meditation and with visualization guiding the energy through different channels. As you might have expected, there's a bit of a crossover between Taoism and Buddhism here.
You can also be taught specific hand positions designed to help cultivate your qi/chi and remove blocks faster. It's all about developing a sense of self-discipline, an awareness of nature, and even stillness.
Your healer will have trained extensively in order to prevent them from absorbing negative energy when they work with you when releasing your blockages.
Martial Qigong
Martial Qigong is the idea of developing your physical strength and internal energy.
In previous times in China, Qigong was often taught before people learned the self-defense aspect of Martial Arts such as Kung Fu.
While many people struggle to understand the differences between Qigong vs Tai Chi, remember that in Qigong, the goal is usually to develop your health, power, and potential. Tai Chi also does this and can have a self-defense component.
Qigong is usually much easier to learn than Tai Chi.
Check out this video to get more of an idea of what's possible with Qigong.
You'll start with basic qigong exercises and gradually build up your strength and stamina so you can do things you never thought possible.
Medical Qigong
It's no secret that ancient Chinese medicine and herbal remedies have helped to heal people for centuries.
Medical Qigong is all about achieving those same results through a combination of mental and physical prowess.
Practicing Qigong can help you to ward off diseases and boost your immune system once you start feeling a bit worn down.
A qigong energy healer is able to transmit qi/chi, which actually allows them to help heal their clients. By helping to rebalance the body and remove energy blockages, the healer can improve both your physical and mental state.
In China, Qigong is known to be able to relieve, pain, stress, insomnia, anxiety, boost immunity, and help heal many challenging illnesses.
You can also see improvements to your digestion, your sinuses, and even get rid of tension headaches and migraines, once and for all.
What to Expect from Your Session
So, what should you expect when you meet with your qigong healer?
There are lots of different techniques and tools a healer may use during the session.
If you're interested in distance energy healing, much of the session will be just sitting or lying down in a relaxed state and receiving the Qi/energy from the distant healer.
You will also receive detailed instructions on how to proceed and get the most benefit from your energy healing session.
The healer can help remove energy blocks, even from many miles away.
If you meet with your healer in person, they may use massage to help rebalance your chi. They could also use specific tools including acupuncture needles to rebalance your energy.
In some cases, they may even practice what's called item empowerment. This means that the healer will project their energy onto a specific item, like a stone or even a tea for you to drink. Whenever you consume or touch this item, you'll draw strength from it.
Keep in mind that while you can certainly achieve a lot during a single session, you may benefit more from monthly programs and long-term sessions that will help keep you balanced and in good health.
In addition to helping people, the right qigong healer can also help you to heal pets and animals you love.
Are You Ready to Meet With A Qigong Healer?
We hope that this post has helped you understand better what Qigong energy healing is.
If you're looking to get more in touch with yourself, feel better physically, and even develop incredible health, peace, and well-being, meeting with a qigong healer helps you learn how to make it happen.
We invite you to learn more about our qigong distant energy healing services. We want to help you heal emotionally, mentally, and physically, in order to get more out of life. We offer inexpensive monthly programs that are easy to join and require almost no effort on your part.
If you are interested in experiencing Qigong Distant Energy Healing, Michael Mohoric will be happy to help you. He has 233,000 Facebook followers and thousands of testimonials on how his Qigong distant energy healing has helped people with a wide variety of physical, mental, and emotional issues. His work also helps heal and balance the chakras.
Michael is the former Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. and has over 1,000 endorsements on Linkedin, many from health care professionals.
Experience the healing benefit from Qigong Energy Healing by signing up now!
“Michael, I also do healings using Kundalini and Chios Healing, and it is such a joy to experience QiGong healings as they are a different experience from what I’m trained in.
I can tell that this energy is very pure and high-vibration, and it works very efficiently throughout the body, helping it completely release the dis-ease from whatever conditions we are working on at the soul level. Thank you for helping me and my body regain our equilibrium on all levels of being.”
“Michael, I just wanted to write to you about tonight’s healing. The first 35 minutes I didn’t notice anything and then I started noticing that my chakras started opening up one by one all the way up then I started feeling this great energy in my body from the opening of my chakras.
When we talked yesterday I told you that I had what I considered a frozen shoulder on my left shoulder and I have had no luck with unfreezing it. I had the same with my right shoulder some time ago, but I was able to unfreeze it through exercise, which took at lot of time and work and a lot of pain. A bone popped back in, in my upper left arm during the healing and I am noticing a bigger range of movement with this arm now and not so much pain, which is a great relief.
I have noticed much more ease in my body over all, and I feel much lighter.I keep noticing new things the longer I sit with this most wonderful healing. My hands aren’t as stiff as they have been. It’s funny how as you age, you don’t notice how stiff you are becoming. I feel like a kid again, with so much more flexibility than I remember having in a great many years.
I could feel waves of energies pouring out of my hands.My lungs are feeling much better to right now, the real test will be tonight, it will be great if I can sleep all the way through the night without having any problems. I am in a place of peace and overall relaxation while I am writing you that I am so grateful for. I can’t wait to see how this changes as we go along. I want to thank you so very much for this great opportunity in healing. Thank you Michael for blessing me with your most magnificent healing’s.”
“Dear Mike…What an amazing experience! There is so much I want to tell you, I just don’t know where to begin.The session began promptly at 10:00 and continued until 11:20. It was a very loving and warm experience. It started off with a white light which swirled around my body. This light originated at my crown and traveled down my body in a spiral pattern, ending at my feet.
I then felt my chakras opening up and being cleansed. There was a huge pressure in the area of my heart chakra. This pressure lasted for some time. Although I do not see colors or visualize, I felt as if there were colors of varying sizes and shapes entering my body….I felt at peace, in golden white light.I must have dozed off and then awoke toward the end of the session at which time I experienced and saw this HUGE blast of White Light originating at my crown.
I experienced not only white light at this point but very warm heat which wrapped itself around my body and proceeded downward toward my toes in a spiral pattern and then back up toward my crown and then back down again. WOW! Thanks so very much! With Love and light!”
Read more on qigong and energy healing:
About The Author:
Michael Mohoric is a remote energy healer who has studied a variety of alternative healing systems for over 30 years. He practiced meditation and yoga for many years and started studying Qigong in 1994, after experiencing some health issues.
In August 2000, Michael suffered a severe spinal cord injury and lost most of the use and feeling in his arms and legs. He was told that he might never walk again. He used the Qigong techniques he learned to help heal himself. He also discovered he was blessed with a gift for distant energy healing while recovering.
For several years, Michael served as the Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. He has worked with people all over the world to help them regain and enhance their health and well-being. He has over 1,000 endorsements on Linkedin from other professionals, many in the health care profession.
He was invited to the 13th and 20th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine and conducted a remote healing session for the attendees. He is also a professional member of the National Qigong Association.
Read more about Michael and his story in our About page