Does Distant Energy Healing Work?
Distant energy healing, also known as remote healing and absent healing has been practiced by healers in the Far East for centuries. In recent modern times, many modalities of distant healing are being recognized and practiced in the West. More and more people are turning to alternative healing therapies such as distant energy healing to enhance their health and well being.
Distant healing and energy healing therapy is being clinically studied in the West by places such as the California Pacific Medical Center in Northern California. China has done many scientific studies on the effectiveness of qigong distance healing by qigong healers.
Daniel Benoir MD, in an abstract wrote the following
“This article reviews 61 studies of distant healing, which is healing that is deliberately sent by one or more healers as an intent, wish, meditation, or prayer to a healee who may be in the healers' presence or may be far away. Distance, even thousands of miles, does not appear to limit the effects of healing. Significant effects of distant healing are demonstrated randomized controlled trials in humans, animals, plants, bacteria, yeasts, cells in the laboratory, and DNA. Fascinating new insights about energy medicine and integrative care are suggested by these studies”
In 1988, Cardiologist Randolph Byrd conducted a rigidly designed randomized, double blind experiment to determine the effects of prayer on patients in the Coronary Care Unit at San Francisco General Hospital over a ten month period. A computer made the random assignments of which of the 383 newly admitted patients involved in this study would be prayed for, and which would not.
The statistically significant findings of this study were that prayed-for patients were five times less likely to require antibiotics and, three times less likely to develop pulmonary edema. None of the prayed-for patients required endotracheal intubation (in which a tube is placed in the patient's throat), whereas twelve of the non-prayed-for patients required this procedure.
Robert Bryd determined that people who were prayed for had better outcomes than those who were not.
The field of Quantum Physics may also provide some answers on why remote healing works.
In the early 1980’s a team of scientists at the University of Paris led by Alain Aspect made an incredible discovery that maybe one of the most important discoveries in modern science. They found that under certain circumstances, some subatomic particles were able to communicate instantaneously with each other no matter how far apart they were from each other. It didn’t matter if they were millions of miles apart.
In another research in 1997, Nicolas Gisan duplicated these findings and concluded that some particles appeared to be communicating at the mind boggling speed of 20,000 times the speed of light. These conclusions may give clues as to why distance healing works.
Well known quantum physicist David Bohm concluded the reasons why subatomic particles can stay in contact with each other despite vast distances is not because they are transmitting some unknown signal back and forth but because the separateness of the particles is an illusion. Bohm surmises that at a deeper level of reality, the particles are not individual entities but are extensions of the same fundamental something and everything in the universe is infinitely interconnected.
Some scientists are now recognizing what mystics from many traditions have said for millennium, that we are all connected and that we are not separate.
Distant healing energy can get transferred over long distances because we are all connected. It doesn’t make any difference if the one transmitting the energy is in a different state or country than the recipient. The benefits of healing remains the same.
Experience The Distance Energy Healing Power of Qigong Energy Healing
It doesn’t matter wherever you may be in the world. Experience the healing power of Qigong Energy Healing. Effortlessly eliminate or reduce your pain, illness, stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and more with this powerful ancient healing method. Sign up now and experience amazing the benefits from energy healing.
“Thank You Michael for the beautiful Healing, QiGong. My Fibromyalgia has greatly improved, Along with the resulting depression. Namaste”
“Michael, I had a persistent pain in my occiput that cleared after the second healing session. I tried acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, cranial sacral…to name a few with no results. I am very grateful to have discovered you and will be referring others. Thank you so much! ”
Celia Straus is a tireless advocate for veterans and started 2 organizations to help them. She’s an award winning documentary producer, author and wrote “Hidden Battles on Unseen Fronts Stories of American Soldiers with Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD.” Celia wrote the following how the energy sessions have helped veterans.
“The energy sessions have helped veterans not only with physical injuries but also with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury. Just as important these healing sessions are holistic in that they address healing of not only the service member but also the military family - spouses and children.”
“Dear Michael, I want to thank you for the healing sessions. They were all very powerful, the second and third especially. I have bladder cancer, and after each sessions I have noticed to have much more pain and having to go to the bathroom more. Is this part of the healing?
After the second session, the tumor was breaking up and I passed several large pieces within an hour four times in that following hour. I’m very grateful for this healing. However it is not all gone, I remain with some pain.
Again my sincere thanks”