The Role Of Energy Healing In Dealing With Emotions
Emotions play an important role in good health. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, much disease is caused by emotional repression.
The repressed emotions get held in the organs of the body and each emotion is associated with a particular organ. The liver stores anger, the kidneys hold fear, the spleen holds worry, the lungs hold grief and sadness, and repressed emotions in the heart can cause depression and lack of joy.
In Chinese Medicine, the emotions are not good or bad, rather, they are just part of being human.
Unfortunately many children are taught from an early age that emotions are bad and due to this, they learn to suppress them. When the emotions are repressed, they create energetic blockages in the associated organ. When this happens, it can slow down circulation to the organ and toxins can build up.
For example, when sadness is repressed, it can cause problems with the lungs and respiratory problems may result from it. Repressing fear can cause blockages in the kidneys that may lead to reproductive, bone, ear and other problems. Holding in emotions will correspond with possible problems in the related organ.
What is the proper way to deal with the emotions? The first thing is acknowledging these emotions and that it is ok to feel them. Let the emotions be, feel them, and not tag these emotions as wrong or bad. The emotion just is.
Observing the emotion and fully feeling it is a way not to store the emotion in the body.
There are three primary emotions - anger, fear, and sadness. Acting appropriately when feeling emotional is important. If feeling angry, then acknowledge and feel the anger, don’t lash out at others.
If feelings of sadness come up, then let the tears come up if it is a safe place to do it. We don’t want to be crying in situations that aren’t supportive and places like the workplace are generally not a good place to do it.
If sadness comes up and we can’t express it, then when we have time later when we go home and we can play the scenario over in our head and let the sadness come out there.
There are certain body feelings that can be signs that we are repressing an emotion. If we are feeling anxious, then we can be repressing fear and other emotions. Anxiety is not an emotion but a resistance to feeling the emotion. The anxiety is acting like a lid on a pressure cooker, keeping the emotions from surfacing. We can ask ourselves, what emotion am I repressing and then ask something like - am I repressing fear? After that, just say I am feeling fear.
When we hit on the right emotion, then the fear can begin to loosen and the anxiety will go away and the feeling of fear will be predominant. When we fully feel the fear, then fear will eventually dissipate and often, it can happen very quickly.
Irritation is another sign that we may be repressing anger. Again, the irritation is like a lid on the emotion. If we just acknowledge we are feeling angry, then it can begin to release. When we start doing this, it can take some time to feel the emotions because we may have spent years repressing them.
When we fully experience the emotion, we then can begin to feel peace.
In the beginning, there may be many repressed emotions that need to released. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to repress our emotions and when we release the repressed emotions, we can have a lot more energy and we improve our health because we are releasing the blockages.
Release Those Repressed Emotions With Qigong Energy Healing
One of the ways that can help to release repressed emotions and regain health and vitality is through Qigong Energy Healing. Qigong has been used effectively in China for thousands of years to help restore balance to the body, mind and emotions. Let us help guide you through your emotions, experience them, release them, and experience peace and wellness. Sign up now and start experience the benefits!
““Michael, The first session I could feel the energy moving into my system about 24hours before the scheduled time. It was like a sense of great possibility. By this I don’t mean hope because this would indicate that things would hopefully change someday but I mean something happening in the here and now that would also alter the future.
The evening of the session was more physical although I continued to feel nearly giddy with possibility. The physical aspect of it was that I felt warmth in my lower back and tailbone where I have had an injury. The warmth radiated out and seemed to warm muscles as well. It was very pleasant and comforting.
For the next couple of days I felt like I was trying to integrate this new energy and my emotions were on a bit of a rollercoaster. I would feel a sense of the possible followed by doubting that anything could ever change. The second session I didn’t feel move in until about the scheduled time. I felt very tired and emotional and continued to explore my emotions for the better part of the week. Grief and disappointment came up a number of times and so did the concept of Universal love.
The third session all of the energy shifts seemed to become more solid. I felt the energy move in again about 24 hours before the scheduled time. This time it was more of a sense of joy and clarity. I felt like I was more in my body and that a larger part of my soul was being integrated. Physically, I am prone to ear aches and sinus headaches and I had both the night of the session. I woke up the next morning without the ear ache and such a minor twinge of a headache that it was barely discernible.
As time progresses my sinus troubles seem to be clearing more and more.I also have had chronic fatigue, IBS, joint pain, body aches, anxiety and debilitating levels of fear. All of these are dramatically better. Emotionally, I still have moments of doubt where I’m afraid it will all come back but the majority of the time I feel joy, creativity and enthusiasm. My passion for life seems to have returned and upsetting moments seem to come in and move out more gracefully. I can’t wait for the final session. Thank you”
Ingrid Bacci is a respected healer and best selling author. She is a former professor and graduate of Harvard and Columbia Universities and teaches alternative healing techniques throughout North and South America and Europe.
“Hello Michael, I want to thank you from my heart for the session Wednesday, the first I have experienced with you. As a ‘healer’, or facilitator of energy flow from the Universe, I recognized immediately the purity and effectiveness of your work. Before the session started, on Wednesday morning, I could feel some old emotional toxins come up and then clear.
During the session itself, I felt first some ‘kriya’ spasms, then very strong images of gushing blue water, and then felt the energy working to open up my entire cranium and rebalance me at a deeper level in that area.I am well aware that the more ‘open’ our system, the more energy we can both receive and transmit, and your work felt truly profound. I also found the work very ‘instructive’ in the sense of guiding me to where I need to work within myself to receive at deeperlevels, and a higher energy for helping others heal.
Feel free to share these comments if you like. I look forward to working together more with you. Blessings, light, and many thanks.”
About The Author:
Michael Mohoric is a remote energy healer who has studied a variety of alternative healing systems for over 30 years. He practiced meditation and yoga for many years and started studying Qigong in 1994, after experiencing some health issues.
In August 2000, Michael suffered a severe spinal cord injury and lost most of the use and feeling in his arms and legs. He was told that he might never walk again. He used the Qigong techniques he learned to help heal himself. He also discovered he was blessed with a gift for distant energy healing while recovering.
For several years, Michael served as the Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. He has worked with people all over the world to help them regain and enhance their health and well-being. He has over 1,000 endorsements on Linkedin from other professionals, many in the health care profession.
He was invited to the 13th and 20th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine and conducted a remote healing session for the attendees. He is also a professional member of the National Qigong Association.
Read more about Michael and his story in our About page