You can easily and effortlessly unblock chakras with distant energy healing. There are other numerous ways that you can unblock chakras, but many of the techniques can take a lot of time and effort.
There are visualizations, mantras, breathing exercises, and yoga postures that can be used to help align, clear, balance, heal, and unblock chakras.
But before we into a discussion of different ways to unblock chakras, let’s talk about what chakras are and the 7 main chakras.
What are Chakras?
Chakra means “wheel” or “cycle” in Sanskrit. It refers to subtle energy centers in the spine that govern almost every aspect of your life. This is why it is so important to unblock chakras. When chakras are open, energy can run freely through the body to create balance and harmony, which increases physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Blocked chakras can cause problems with health, finances, relationships, creativity, sexuality, confidence, feeling loved, communication, and more.
What are the 7 Main Chakras?
There are 7 main chakras along the spine leading up to your neck and the crown of your head. These are the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and the crown chakra.
Root chakra
The root chakra is located at the base of your spine. It keeps you balanced, stable, and strong. It is connected to your basic needs such as food and water, and emotional needs such as safety.
When the root chakra is open, we have less anxiety and worries.
Sacral chakra
The sacral chakra is located just below the navel. It is considered the most fun chakra because it houses everything that emotionally satisfies us and gives us joy. This chakra is responsible for sexual energy.
When the sacral chakra is open, you feel happy, passionate, and energetic.
Solar plexus chakra
From the navel to the ribcage, the solar plexus chakra is the source of our confidence and self-esteem. If this chakra is blocked, we can suffer from low self-esteem and anger issues.
Heart chakra
The heart chakra is at the center of your chest and is all about your ability to love. Opening this chakra allows love and compassion to flow freely through the body.
If the heart chakra is blocked, you may feel sad, jealous, or hateful.
Throat chakra
Located in the throat, the throat chakra allows us to communicate and speak our inner truth. When this chakra is aligned, you can fully listen and express yourself.
Third eye chakra
The third eye chakra is located in between your eyes and refers to the ability to tap into your intuition. It enables you to see things clearly and avoid drama.
Crown chakra
At the crown of your head is the crown chakra. This chakra allows us to have a spiritual connection with ourselves and others around us.
When this chakra is unblocked, you will feel a deep connection to yourself and find your deeper purpose in life.
Unblock Your Chakras the Easy Way
Michael Mohoric is a healer who has discovered that he has a unique healing gift while recovering from a serious spinal cord injury. This healing ability has allowed him to help thousands of people with his chakra healing, chakra balancing, and chakra clearing services, and regain their health and well-being.
Michael was the former Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. He has over 1,000 endorsements on Linkedin, many from health care professionals and has thousands of testimonials. He was invited to the 13th & 20th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine and conducted a distant healing for the attendees.
You can unblock your chakras the easy way, wherever you may be, with Qigong Distance Energy Healing. It is a $99 monthly healing program to help you align, clear, balance, and unblock chakras. This program also helps you to banish illness, pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and more. Learn more about this unique and very effecting healing energy in our FAQs page.
Also included with this program is a unique process called Energetic Feng Shui. This helps to clear negative energy in your home and harmonize the energy in your environment. Negative and unbalanced energy in your home can cause many of the same issues that blocked chakras cause. The combination of chakra healing and energetic feng shui is a a very powerful healing combination as it addresses not only inward but also outward.
Chakra Healing Testimonials
"Hi Michael!! So grateful I joined your monthly sessions. My third eye is open!! Yay And realizations are coming at me at rapid speed!! Much love" Michelle Grote
"Powerful energy shot through my chakras during the session..." Dana Monroe
“That was a very intense healing. I saw flashes of orbs as i felt swirling healing energy working on each of my chakras, primarily the solar plexus where I needed it the most. Thank you very much. It was very much needed.” Maria Gricus
"This one was incredibly powerful for me. Cracked my Heart wide open. Love and Gratitude flows from my Heart to yours" Denise Anand
“Michael, I woke at 7am and straight away felt a tingling sensation on my crown chakra. It felt like a swirling energy and I knew that my chakra was opening. I then felt the energy scan down my body and saw all the colours of the chakras as it scanned down.
It did stop around my heart/stomach area for quite sometime and I didn't feel it go further down that much although I'm sure I will feel that later. I went to sleep again as I wanted to let the energy flow through me. Towards the end which was approximately 7.30-8am I felt that some of my cells had re-formed. I knew that it was only the start and that more would come.
This is the most powerful session I've experienced!! Felt a fantastic amount of energy entering my body...I've never felt anything like it before! My chakras were on fire!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Carol Walker
"Michael - hello - I cannot tell you how ALIVE I feel since I began this process of energy work. I have always had a 1st chakra problem and as we have worked on my healing I have felt a vibration on my 1st chakra and I can almost feel as if it healing. Most of the time I have been feeling as if I am floating on air and I always remember now that we are all the same. Oneness is becoming more and more conscious with me.
Thank-you so much for all this healing and I love that I am becoming more and more God Conscious. With loving light to you." Filomena
“Dear Mike, What an amazing experience! There is so much I want to tell you, I just don’t know where to begin.The session began promptly at 10:00 and continued until 11:20. It was a very loving and warm experience. It started off with a white light which swirled around my body. This light originated at my crown and traveled down my body in a spiral pattern, ending at my feet.
I then felt my chakras opening up and being cleansed. There was a huge pressure in the area of my heart chakra. This pressure lasted for some time. Although I do not see colors or visualize, I felt as if there were colors of varying sizes and shapes entering my body….I felt at peace, in golden white light.I must have dozed off and then awoke toward the end of the session at which time I experienced and saw this HUGE blast of White Light originating at my crown.
I experienced not only white light at this point but very warm heat which wrapped itself around my body and proceeded downward toward my toes in a spiral pattern and then back up toward my crown and then back down again. WOW! Thanks so very much! With Love and light!” Sharyn