What Is An Aura?
The aura, an energy field that surrounds every living being, has long captivated the human imagination. Throughout history, various cultures and spiritual traditions have acknowledged and studied this subtle emanation, perceiving it as a reflection of a person's spiritual, emotional, and physical state.
In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the concept of the aura, exploring its nature, colors, significance, and methods of interpretation.
Understanding the Aura
The aura is an electromagnetic field composed of subtle energies that extend beyond the physical body. It is believed to consist of multiple layers or dimensions, each representing different aspects of our being. Although invisible to the naked eye for most people, individuals with heightened perception or those trained in energy work can often see or sense the aura.
Colors of the Aura
One of the most fascinating aspects of the aura is its spectrum of colors. Different colors are associated with specific qualities and states of being. Here are some common aura colors and their interpretations:
A vibrant red aura often indicates strong energy, passion, and vitality. It can also signify a strong-willed and determined individual.
An orange aura is associated with creativity, enthusiasm, and joy. People with this color may possess artistic or entrepreneurial tendencies.
A yellow aura suggests intellectual curiosity, optimism, and a strong sense of self. It can indicate a person with a clear mind and analytical abilities.
A green aura reflects balance, healing, and growth. It is often associated with individuals who are nurturing, compassionate, and have a deep connection with nature.
A blue aura represents calmness, intuition, and communication. Those with a blue aura are often gifted in the realms of healing, counseling, and spirituality.
An indigo aura is associated with deep wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight. It suggests a person with a profound understanding of life's mysteries.
A violet aura is often seen in individuals with strong spiritual awareness, psychic abilities, and a deep connection to higher realms of consciousness.
Interpreting the Aura
Interpreting the aura requires a combination of intuition, sensitivity, and knowledge of aura colors. Here are a few methods commonly used for aura interpretation:
Visual Observation
Some individuals possess the ability to visually perceive the aura. They may see colors, shapes, or even images surrounding a person, providing insights into their energetic state.
Kirlian Photography
Kirlian photography is a technique that captures the electrical discharge around an object or living being. It can visually depict the aura's electromagnetic field and provide a tangible representation of its energy patterns.
Energy healers often work with the aura to identify imbalances and blockages. Through practices such as Reiki, acupuncture, qigong energy healing, or chakra balancing, they aim to restore the harmonious flow of energy in the aura and the body.
Intuitive Readings
Intuitive readers may use their psychic abilities to tune into the aura and receive impressions or messages related to a person's energy field. They may provide insights into emotional states, past experiences, or potential paths for personal growth.
Significance of the Aura
The aura is considered a reflection of a person's overall well-being. It is believed that a vibrant and balanced aura indicates good health, emotional stability, and spiritual connectedness. Conversely, a weak or imbalanced aura may suggest physical illness, emotional distress, or energetic blockages.
Moreover, the aura is thought to be influenced by thoughts, emotions, and external stimuli. Negative thoughts, stress, and environmental toxins can affect the aura's clarity and vitality, while positive thoughts, meditation, and a healthy lifestyle
Aura Healing, Aura Clearing And Aura Balancing
Some traditions believe that diseases will first show up in the aura before it manifests in the body. Aura healing, aura clearing, aura balancing, and aura cleansing are all about bringing the aura back into balance and harmony.
Qigong Masters have many different methods for aura healing. They can project energy from their hands into the imbalance. They can also use sounds and use their mind and the clients mind to balance the aura. These are just a few of the techniques used in aura healing. There are many techniques from a myriad of traditions for aura healing including things like meditation, yoga postures, and breath control.
Feeling unwell and need help healing and cleansing your aura? Qigong Energy Healing can help!
Qigong Distant Energy Healing can greatly assist in aura balancing and aura cleansing. It is conducted by Michael Mohoric, who is the former Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. He discovered he was blessed with a unique healing gift after recovering from a debilitating spinal cord injury.
Read more on aura clearing and balancing in this page.
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“Hi Michael, The energy session yesterday was quite wonderful. Early on in the session, I felt the same experience as with the previous healing session. It felt like energy swirling around the crown of my head and lifting me upwards. This swirling and uplifting sensation went on for about the first ten minutes. Then throughout the remainder of the session it felt like a piece of grass was tickling me right on the crown chakra. Trying to help open it.
After the first ten minutes, I experienced being filled completely with bright red light. After the red light I was filled with white light, bright like a flash of lightening. Finally I was filled with a blue light. Then I felt an intense sensation of heat and my entire body got very hot. After the light, I felt very peaceful and it felt like all my cells were separating and clearing. I felt a sense of purity and cleansing. It was very pleasant and very peaceful.
Thanks for starting us off on a beautiful day”
“For more than twenty years I have had various forms of energy work done on me. When I first read about Michael’s work I was immediately drawn to it. My initial reservation was that we were not living in the same vicinity, however my intuition assured me this would not matter. Always following guidance I called him and became one of his clients.
The power of his work has continuously astounded me and shifted me! He is one of the best energy healers I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my life. If he lived halfway around the world it wouldn’t matter. Energy is intelligent and finds its way where it is needed when properly directed. He is a Master Conductor of Energy! I will work with him for years to come.”
“This is NOTHING TO MESS WITH! Keep your immune systems strong! I finally contacted Michael after nothing could clear a tenacious and debilitating respiratory infection which began with flu-like. symptoms. This is not the first miracle healing Michael has performed for me (after 6+ wks of growing successfully weaker (& more depressed!), and being unable to clear it, in spite of multiple natural and allopathic remedies.”
Read more from those that Qigong Energy Healing was able to help in our testimonials page.
About The Author:
Michael Mohoric is a remote energy healer who has studied a variety of alternative healing systems for over 30 years. He practiced meditation and yoga for many years and started studying Qigong in 1994, after experiencing some health issues.
In August 2000, Michael suffered a severe spinal cord injury and lost most of the use and feeling in his arms and legs. He was told that he might never walk again. He used the Qigong techniques he learned to help heal himself. He also discovered he was blessed with a gift for distant energy healing while recovering.
For several years, Michael served as the Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. He has worked with people all over the world to help them regain and enhance their health and well-being. He has over 1,000 endorsements on Linkedin from other professionals, many in the health care profession.
He was invited to the 13th and 20th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine and conducted a remote healing session for the attendees. He is also a professional member of the National Qigong Association.
Read more about Michael and his story in our About page