A Brief History of Energy Healing
/Let's take a trip back in time to a thousand years (at least) before the common era.
In this time, Christianity hasn't been born yet.
Life on the Asian continent has been thriving and full of life for centuries.
There's no modern medicine, except for herbs the earth grows.
That is until the idea of energy healing slowly grew and gained steam.
An early reference of Chi, (aka Qi), or the unseen life force of energy healing shows up in the iChing book back in 1000 BCE.
In this article, learn where and how energy healing originated.
The Building Block of Energy Healing: Chi, (Qi)
For the purpose of this article, we will use the words Qi and Chi interchangeably. The word Qi is used in China while Chi has been used more in the West, however, the words have the same meaning - life force energy.
Since the beginning of energy healing began with the understanding and discovery (or at least writing down of) Chi, let's start there.
What is Qi/Chi?
There are many different definitions of Qi or Chi, and they depend on whom you ask and when you asked them. All sources of information hinge on one fact: Chi is the energy of life.
The Yoga Version of Chi
In yoga philosophy, the word Prana is used instead of Chi, but it essentially means the same thing.
Like ancient Chinese texts, yoga philosophy is thousands of years old.
The ideas of Chakras are possibly the oldest idea of this entire subject and they come to us from Hindu texts. Chakras are the energetic building blocks of the mind and body.
For example, the root chakra which is located at the base of your tailbone houses the energy that keeps you grounded to the earth and to your life.
Chakras operate in harmony with each other, but you can find yourself weaker in one chakra than the other. When Chi, Qi, or Prana is low in one Chakra, it can imbalance the energy in your other chakras.
The other six chakras include your sacral chakra, your heart chakra, your throat chakra, your third eye, and your crown chakra.
The Chinese Medicine Idea of Qi or Chi
We have mentions of Qi from China in the third millennium BCE. That's about three thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ.
At that point, all we know is that doctors and thinkers at that time believed Qi existed and that there is Qi everywhere. It exists in all matter and in all beings.
Later, we began to integrate Qi with the idea of Yin and Yang. Yin is the traditionally feminine energy or part of Qi, while yang is masculine. You need a balance of both for flowing energy and a healthy Chi.
The Chinese believe that the universe is made up by these two opposing forces and that the key to ultimate health and energy lies in finding a balance between the two.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of energy healing. Traditional Chinese Medical Doctors who practice acupuncture and energy healers believe in meridians or lines of energy in the body. Meridians deliver energy or Chi from one organ to another or from one body part to another.
If there's an issue, these meridians can get blocked and stop the flow of Chi, causing physical, mental, and emotional ailments.
The Japanese: Ki (Chi) and Reiki
In Japan, the vital life force is known as Ki.
One of the most well-known energy healing systems that come from Japan is known as Reiki.
In the early 20th century (the 1900s), Mikai Usui came up with Reiki energy healing, which is a technique of channeling life force.
Reiki healers receive what are called attunements that they use to channel healing energy.
How Is Chi Used in Energy Healing?
Now that you have a very basic understanding of Qi, and it's longevity as a force and a subject, let's talk about how to use it to heal.
When there are energy blockages in the body and when energy is not able to flow freely, it can manifest into physical ailments such as pains, illnesses, and disease, or mental ailments such as anxiety and depression, among others.
Energy healing works to find and fix both mental and physical blocks in the mind and body. It’s a form of cleansing that can transform one's entire self, uniting the mind and body complex.
The most ancient and well-recognized forms of energy healing are Acupuncture, Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yoga. For the purpose of this brief article, we will focus more on Qigong Energy Healing.
Meditation is another related practice that resets and rebalances the life energy.
Is There any Science Behind the Practice?
Yes, absolutely. Too often people write off energy healing or holistic practices as non-scientific. But with energy healing that is not true.
Dr. Benoir MD has reviewed dozens of studies that show the effectiveness of distant healing.
Do you remember in high school science class when you learned that everything is made of molecules and molecules give off energy? Your body is no different.
Those molecules vibrate even though you can't see them. The vibrations are part of your energy. That's why you hear the expression "good vibes". It's literally talking about strong or positive life energy.
Places have energy as well as people. Think about how it feels to stay in the house or a room after you just had a big argument. Do you ever feel like you need to get out of the room? Like the emotion of the argument is weighing on the room itself? Those are bad vibes and yes, you'll profit from getting some fresh air or at least changing your environment.
On the opposite side, think about how you feel outside, at the park, when it's just warm enough with a light breeze. It fills you with energy, right? That's because trees and the outdoors have a high-frequency vibration.
In that park surrounded by plants and fresh air, you're in the midst of a cloud of energy.
There are a lot of research that has studied the effectiveness of energy healing and you can read more about it in our article on - Does Distance Energy Healing Work?
How Can I Practice Energy Healing?
Qigong and Tai Chi are two effective ways to gather, cultivate, and utilize Qi. Because of the intricacies of the practices, it is good to have a teacher but you can also learn from videos and books.
Qigong is a series of exercises, meditations, and breathing patterns that can be used independently or as building blocks for Tai Chi. Think of them as very slow, flowing movements, as if you were trying to move your body through wet concrete.
Tai Chi tends to be more movement oriented than Qigong and depending on the style and form. Qigong can be easier to learn.
You can also work one on one with an energy practitioner or energetic healing coach. These sessions can guide you to the exact type of energy healing you need at the time.
These can be anything from suggested Qigong exercises to help with healing your body and also to help bring good Feng Shui into your home. When energy can flow more freely in your home, then it can flow through your body better, as well which is why they both work hand in hand.
Even your pets can benefit from energy healing. Your dog wants to be at peace just as much as you do, he just doesn't know how to express it and sometimes, this can manifest as lethargy and even different diseases.
How do I Get Started with Energy Healing Services?
The best place to start with energy healing is with a guide or a coach. These people can answer your questions regarding the practice and know how to send and receive energy in the most efficient way.
Interested in getting started? Michael Mohoric will be happy to help you. He has 233,000 Facebook followers and thousands of testimonials how his Qigong Energy healing has helped people with a wide variety of physical, mental and emotional issues. His work also helps heal and balance the chakras.
Get started with your energy healing journey now by signing up!
“Michael, I realized after the session on Wed night that I had been affected by the energy ever since I signed up the week before. I had been feeling better (more alive and just in a great mood) than I have felt in years. I began to get Parkinson’s symptoms about 3 years ago and have not only suffered from depression but a general closing down mentally, along with the physical tenseness.
On Tues. I began to feel the energy moving. On Wed morning, my husband woke up with what he thought was the flu because he was aching in every major joint in his body. He slept for 36 hours straight, which is something he has never done . When he got up Thurs. all his joint pain was gone (and I’m hoping that this is a long lasting situation).
This is such an incredible thing, and I’m very happy that we were able to participate.” Thanks so much”
“Michael, I attended your healing session tonight at the Center for Universal Truth. I feel like a true miracle happened. My husband, Christopher, who has had two back operations and is in constant pain could not attend tonight. He knew I was going to the Center, but not what it was really about. When you said that we could place our intention for healing towards our pets, I decided to put my intention towards Christopher and his back.
What I noticed during the session were: hot, hot palms, tingles over various parts of my body, a decreased need to breathe. I felt very relaxed at the end of the session.”When I arrived home, the first thing my husband said was, “I don’t know what you have been doing, but I could feel it in my back about an hour ago. I haven’t had any pain for the last hour. What have you been doing?”
This is nothing short of a miracle, Michael. Chistopher is almost always in severe pain. He sleeps poorly at night. Well, as I write this, Christopher has fallen into a deep sleep and hasn’t moved for quite a while. He usually tosses and turns and puts pillows under his knees, and then out from his knees. He just constantly moves all night. I am watching this peaceful, motionless sleep that Christopher is experiencing, and all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Michael, My Oh My, you are really connected to the great cosmic healing zone….My experience was quite remarkable and want to thank you for sharing your connection and talent with us. My experience was overwhelming physically, as well as visually. I experienced extreme heat in my thighs and especially my right thigh…then the energy moved up to the adrenal area and there was intense pain, so much that I had to do a lot of breath work to assist the pain in moving.
The whole time I felt like I was cemented to the Fouton and couldn’t move even if I tried. My next experience was like having sand bags on my chest and this motivated more breath work for the duration of the session. While these physical sensations were happening I was shown many visions most of them are out of reach for me at this time, however what I do remember was quite lovely……a bright sun light appeared and huge chunks stones in the color of the Sun were before me being sculpted in to smaller pieces with the hand of Buddha pouring the smaller pieces of stones all over my body in honor of the healing.
Thank you so much for doing this in such a timely manner. Seeing my friend Lesli come back to life was an experience of true joy. I look forward to working with you again and spreading the word to my clients as well.”
About The Author:
Michael Mohoric is a remote energy healer who has studied a variety of alternative healing systems for over 30 years. He practiced meditation and yoga for many years and started studying Qigong in 1994, after experiencing some health issues.
In August 2000, Michael suffered a severe spinal cord injury and lost most of the use and feeling in his arms and legs. He was told that he might never walk again. He used the Qigong techniques he learned to help heal himself. He also discovered he was blessed with a gift for distant energy healing while recovering.
For several years, Michael served as the Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. He has worked with people all over the world to help them regain and enhance their health and well-being. He has over 1,000 endorsements on Linkedin from other professionals, many in the health care profession.
He was invited to the 13th and 20th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine and conducted a remote healing session for the attendees. He is also a professional member of the National Qigong Association.
Read more about Michael and his story in our About page